Media Lesson Plan
Lesson: 21 - More advanced options - Mirror a video & Picture in picture.

Purpose:Learn how to create a reflection of a video through mirror a video and overlay videos through picture in picture.

No. of. Classes

1 - (Time : 1:30 minutes, Laptops/desktops : 10, Students strength : 15 to 20).

Materials Required

Laptop, Internet connection, online clipchamp software, e-mail id with password.

Prior knowledge

Students should be able to download images and videos.



1. Students create a reflection of a video through mirror a video.


2. Students create a picture in picture video.


Teacher's Instruction
  1. While the students learn, the teacher should observe whether they articulate the words like floating toolbar, flip vertical, flip horizontal, crop, rotate, overlay videos, picture in picture, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, free handles, stroke, position, rotate by 90 degree and become familiar with these terms.
  2. Guidance should be given for the students for every exercise and allow them to share in their peer group.
  3. Ask them to think about placing a video inside another video, how do they place the videos in the timeline.
  4. Ask them to include more than one video using picture in picture feature.
  5. Ask them, how to remove the unwanted edge of a video clip?